This domain is for personal use only.

Public websites on this domain do not store or share any of your data. They don’t contain any trackers and don’t profile its visitors in any way.

Out of a long tradition of interest and deep love for data protection, I inform you in this privacy policy that I don’t want to know who you are or when you find yourself on this website. Nor do I want to know how long you stay here, what you look at or even which website you visit afterwards.

Because your behaviour is none of my business, websites on this domain don’t collect any data about your user behaviour and do not record any server logs.

However, please keep in mind that the websites on this domain contain links to various external websites. If you follow a link to any of these external websites, please note that they have their own privacy policies and I cannot accept any responsibility or liability for these third-party websites and their policies.

If you have questions about the data collection on this domain, feel free to contact me by email.

“We all need places where we can go to explore without the judgmental eyes of other people being cast upon us, only in a realm where we’re not being watched can we really test the limits of who we want to be. It’s really in the private realm where dissent, creativity and personal exploration lie.”

- Glenn Greenwald